P-497-PR - SSB Son Goku, Results of Godly Training


SSB Son Goku, Results of Godly Training

SSB Son Goku, Results of Godly Training

Carte anglaise
Informations générales
Série P
Couleurs Jaune
Rareté Promotion
Langue EN
Face Avant
Personnages Son Goku
Origines Saiyan
Ère La Résurrection de « F »
Coût en énergie 3
Puissance 20000
Coût de Combo 0
Pui. de Combo 5000


Double Strike
EX-Evolve, draw 1 card : Yellow <Son Goku> with an energy cost of 2.
Auto When this card attacks, choose up to a total of 2 of your opponent's Battle Cards or Unisons in Rest Mode, ignoring Barrier, and those cards won't switch to Active Mode during your opponent's next Charge Phase.
Auto When this card is removed from your Battle Area by an opponent's skill, play up to 1 of your yellow <Vegeta> cards with an energy cost of 2 from your deck or Drop, then shuffle your deck if you looked through it.

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Son Goku SSB, Résultats de l'Entraînement divin

Carte française