Android 16 // Android 16, Created By Dr. Gero



Android 16 // Android 16, Created By Dr. Gero

Informations générales
Série P
Couleurs Vert
Rareté Promotion
Langue EN
Face Avant
Personnages Android 16
Origines Android
Ère Android Cell Saga
Puissance 10000
Face Arrière
Personnages Android 16
Origines Android
Ère L'Androïde Cell
Puissance 15000


Permanent Negate Energy-Exhaust on <Android 16> and cards with both «Android» and «Scientist» in all of your areas.
Auto When this card attacks, draw 1 card.
Awaken When your life is at 4 or less, or you have 2 or more energy and a green «Scientist» Z-Battle Card with an energy cost of 1 in play : Draw 1 card, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode, and add cards from your life to your hand until you have 6 life left.

LEADER : DOS Eveil du Leader éveil
Permanent Reduce the energy cost of a card with both «Android» and «Scientist» with an energy cost of 4 in your hand by 1.
Auto When you play a «Scientist», negate this card's Permanent skills for the turn.
Auto When this card attacks, draw 1 card.
Activate : Battle Use one of your <Android 16> cards or cards with both «Android» and «Scientist» from your hand in a combo with its skills negated for the turn.

Tags associés à la carte

Autres versions

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Tu peux également modifier la langue d'affichage car certaines versions ne sont disponibles que dans une langue donnée !

C-16 // C-16, Créé par le Docteur Gero


C-16 // C-16, Créé par le Docteur Gero (Winner Gold)


Android 16 // Android 16, Created By Dr. Gero (Winner Gold)


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Deck de Ezakel

254 1

Android 16

365 1