EX22-13-EX - Breaking a Taboo


Breaking a Taboo

Breaking a Taboo

Carte anglaise
Informations générales
Série EX22
Couleurs Bleu
Rareté Expansion Rare
Langue EN
Date Sortie 19/05/2023
Face Avant
Coût en énergie 1


Counter : PlayLimit 1 If your Leader is a blue <Goku Black> and it's your opponent's turn : Choose up to 1 of your <Zamasu> cards and switch it to Active Mode, then add this card from your Drop to your Z-Energy.
Activate : Main3, if your Leader is a <Zamasu> or <Goku Black> and you choose 1 of your mono-blue <Zamasu> or <Goku Black> cards with an energy cost of 5 or more : Play up to 1 {Infinite Force Fused Zamasu} from your hand on top of the chosen card.
Activate : Battle Place this card from your Z-Energy into your Drop : Use up to 1 mono-blue <Goku Black> with 5000 combo power from your Drop in a combo and negate its skills for the turn.

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Tabou brisé

Carte française

Tabou brisé (God Deck)

Carte française