Son Goku // Ultra Instinct Son Goku, Limits Surpassed (Judge Level 2)



Son Goku // Ultra Instinct Son Goku, Limits Surpassed (Judge Level 2)

Informations générales
Série JP
Couleurs Rouge
Rareté Uncommon
Langue EN
Date Sortie 01/09/2021
Face Avant
Personnages Son Goku
Origines Saiyan
Universe 7
Ère Universe Survival Saga
Puissance 10000
Face Arrière
Personnages Son Goku
Origines Saiyan
Universe 7
Ère La Survie de l'Univers
Puissance 15000


Activate : Battle When this card is in a battle, choose 1 Extra Card in your hand and place it in your Drop Area : Choose up to 1 card in your life and add it to your hand, draw 1 card, then this card gets +5000 power and this skill is negated for the duration of the battle.
Awaken Surge Choose 1 red card and 1 blue card in your hand and place them under this card : You may draw 3 cards, then choose up to 1 of your energy, switch it to Active Mode, and flip this card over.

LEADER : DOS Eveil du Leader éveil
Activate : Battle When this card is in a battle, choose 1 Extra Card in your hand and place it in your Drop Area : Choose up to 1 card in your life and add it to your hand, draw 1 card, then this card gets +5000 power and this skill is negated for the duration of the battle.
Awaken Surge Choose 1 red card and 1 blue card in your hand and place them under this card : You may draw 3 cards, then choose up to 1 of your energy, switch it to Active Mode, and flip this card over.

Tags associés à la carte

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Son Goku // Son Goku Ultra Instinct, Limites surpassées


Son Goku // Ultra Instinct Son Goku, Limits Surpassed


Son Goku // Ultra Instinct Son Goku, Limits Surpassed (Judge)


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