Uub, Body Resistance (Event Pack 16)

Uub, Body Resistance (Event Pack 16)
Permanent If it's your turn and this card is under a Leader, the Leader on top of this card gets -5000 power, and this card can't be removed from the Leader Area by a skill other than this card's skills.
AutoLimit 1 When this card is played from your deck or hand, add up to 1 card from your life to your hand, choose up to 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and add it to its owner's Z-Energy, place this card from the Battle Area under your opponent's Leader at the end of the turn, then play this card from under your opponent's Leader at the start of your Main Phase.
[Activate : Main]Limit 1, if your Leader is a mono-blue «Earthling» or «Majin» and your opponent has 2 or more energy : Play this card from your hand.
AutoLimit 1 When this card is played from your deck or hand, add up to 1 card from your life to your hand, choose up to 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and add it to its owner's Z-Energy, place this card from the Battle Area under your opponent's Leader at the end of the turn, then play this card from under your opponent's Leader at the start of your Main Phase.
[Activate : Main]Limit 1, if your Leader is a mono-blue «Earthling» or «Majin» and your opponent has 2 or more energy : Play this card from your hand.
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