Android 17 // Warriors of Universe 7, United as One (World Championship 2022 - Leader Set)
Android 17 // Warriors of Universe 7, United as One (World Championship 2022 - Leader Set)
Série |
Type |
Couleurs |
Rareté |
Langue |
Date Sortie |
Personnages |
Android 17
Origines |
Universe 7
Android |
Ère |
Universe Survival Saga
Puissance |
Personnages |
Warriors of Universe 7
Origines |
Universe 7
Ère |
La Survie de l'Univers
Puissance |
Warrior of Universe 7
Auto When this card attacks, draw 1 card.
Auto When you add a Red/Blue multicolor card to your energy, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode and negate this skill for the game.
Awaken When your life is at 4 or less or you have a «Universe 7» Z-Battle Card with an energy cost of 2 or more in play : Draw 1 card, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode, and add cards from your life to your hand until you have 6 life left.
Auto When this card attacks, draw 1 card.
Auto When you add a Red/Blue multicolor card to your energy, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode and negate this skill for the game.
Awaken When your life is at 4 or less or you have a «Universe 7» Z-Battle Card with an energy cost of 2 or more in play : Draw 1 card, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode, and add cards from your life to your hand until you have 6 life left.
Warrior of Universe 7
AutoOnce per turn When you play, attack with, or activate the Blocker of a «Universe 7» Z-Battle Card, draw 1 card.
AutoOnce per turn Discard 1 {Deadly Clash} from your hand : When you use Arrival to play a Red/Blue multicolor Battle Card, choose up to 1 of your «Universe 7» cards with Arrival and it gains Barrier for the turn.
AutoOnce per turn When you play, attack with, or activate the Blocker of a «Universe 7» Z-Battle Card, draw 1 card.
AutoOnce per turn Discard 1 {Deadly Clash} from your hand : When you use Arrival to play a Red/Blue multicolor Battle Card, choose up to 1 of your «Universe 7» cards with Arrival and it gains Barrier for the turn.
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