Son Goku, at the Ready

Son Goku, at the Ready
Auto. When this card is played, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, add up to 1 red «Saiyan» card with an energy cost of 4 or less among them to your hand, then shuffle your deck.
Activation : PrincipaleLimite 1 If your Leader is a red <Son Goku> <Vegeta> <Trunks : Future> card and you have a <Vegeta> or <Trunks : Future> card—both red and with Évolution-EX—in play : Play this card from your hand in Rest Mode, and at end of turn, place this card from play in its owner's Drop.
Activation : PrincipaleLimite 1 If your Leader is a red <Son Goku> <Vegeta> <Trunks : Future> card and you have a <Vegeta> or <Trunks : Future> card—both red and with Évolution-EX—in play : Play this card from your hand in Rest Mode, and at end of turn, place this card from play in its owner's Drop.
Tags associés à la carte
Évolution du prix à l'unité te met à dispotion l'évolution du premier prix Cardmarket de la carte à collectionner Son Goku, at the Ready sur les 30 derniers jours. Une bonne manière d'évaluer la valeur de tes cartes ou de compléter ta collection lorsque celles que tu n'as pas sont plus accessibles.
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